Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Living in a Cartoon Today

Today I am getting a close-up view of those devil vs. angel shoulder conversations you see in cartoons. I ended up on the losing end of a business transaction in which I was Buyer B, patiently waiting to see if Buyer A, who had legitimate "first dibs" on a sale, was going to be able to complete the transaction. Out of the blue today, the Seller sold to Buyer C, despite our scheduled appointment to discuss the sale this weekend.

As if traveling through a Pixar short film, I have carried on conversations with both the little shoulder angel and his nemesis the devil concerning this event. The devil's options are so delicious ... they involve accusations, anger, well-made and deserved points, guilt, shame, remorse, separation ... all those things that should rightly be the result of such a deal as this. The angel's options are far less glamorous at this moment ... they involve humility, acceptance, understanding, a continuing relationship, and trust that God knows what He's doing.

Although I have thoroughly enjoyed the fantasized conversations encouraged by the cartoon devil, they will remain in my head and my prayers tonight will be two-fold ... that these conversations become less tantalizing quickly and that I find comfort in God's will for my life, whatever that may be.

1 comment:

Jean A. said...

Wow- we need to talk. I had a similar week. Kinda emotionally exhausting week. TTY after school tomorrow xoxo, j