Thursday, September 10, 2009

School Cafeteria Seating ... The Agony & the Ecstasy

Memories came flooding back yesterday as Kayti described her 45 minutes of sheer torture thinking she'd be stuck in "A" Lunch without any of her friends. In science class, she sent out text messages* to all of her buddies to see when they had lunch, but got no response.

What agony to stand all alone in a crowded room, searching person after person, table after table, hoping and praying for a familiar face. I still shudder at the thought. I think, if we somehow rated the most stressful social experiences in life, finding a place in the cafeteria on the first day of school certainly ranks right up there for all of us.

After the details of the panic and the texting and the awful science class were all spilt, the ecstasy came in the form of half a dozen of Kayti's good friends who slowly trickled in, all happier to see each other than they ever will be again.

*Just imagine the restraint it took to not interrupt and say "Texting in class? Honey, that's so rude. They're gonna take your phone away one of these days." Thank you Lord, for that restraint.

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