For as long as I ca
n remember, I have loved little things. Remember Little Kiddles? I had tons of them ... even the Little Kiddles Klub House! I had a huge collection of glass animals, the ones that you can still buy at Hallmark that are attached to little ivory cards. Those animals, along with many other small favorites are still proudly displayed in the type drawer my dad gave me that hangs in my home office:

Well, my love of little things has manifested itself into my latest YMLY product, the Itty Bitty Notepad! These cute notepads are only 3" x 5" and like the larger half-page notepads, they feature fun little pictures and can also be personalized with nicknames, business logos, school mascots, etc. Oh, what fun!

If only I had been your friend then, we could have played Little Kiddles together! LOVE the Itty Bitty Notepads and feel quite special to have one hot off the press.
xoxo, Jean
Jealous Mrs.A is nearby and gets first dibs at all the new stuff! Once the new banner for my blog is finished being designed I'll have to see if you can incorporate it into a bitty notepad for me! <3
Thanks, Jean & Lexi!
I can make ANYTHING into a fun Itty Bitty or regular notepad, and I can mail them anywhere ... so consider it done, Lexi! Let me know when you're ready.
Sure miss those Little Kiddles!
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