Now that school has started, I have other things to do first thing in the morning, like watch hilarious TiVO-ed Craig Ferguson shows with Kayti. This new morning routine does not mean I don't walk the dog, it just means he has to wait 90 minutes until Kayti hops on the bus before we head out on our daily jaunt.
And yet, every morning for the last two weeks he has bounded down the steps, tapped his nose on his leash and started the bizarre yet endearing circle-jumping at the front door. Denied, he does the same thing when we get to the back door. Denied again he then tethers himself to my legs, staying no more than one foot away from me for 90 minutes. If I sit, his face is in my lap. If I stand, his butt is in my way. If I walk, he nearly kills me with every move.
Then, when Kayti leaves, his enthusiasm rises with each telltale going-for-a-walk sign he sees: She's putting on socks! She's putting on shoes! She's getting her cell phone! She's going to the bathroom! She's getting a poop bag! She's grabbing the leash! And then, he circle-jumps at the door, out the door, down the steps, and down the sidewalk until I say "Sit!" and on goes the leash. Finally.
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