Over the summer, we sold Isabella, Willie's beloved old Jeep Cherokee when Willie bought his new Honda. Andy also bought a new car and instead of selling Black Thunder, his old Ford F150 pickup truck, to Carmax, Gary & I decided to buy it from Andy so that we could use it and lend it to our friends.
Now, one of our buddies needs a truck for his construction business. What a perfect opportunity to help someone and to give Black Thunder a purpose beyond moving the occasional piece of furniture or carrying cases of soda from Costco. Selling him the truck is the right thing to do.
That does not mean it is the easy thing to do. The loss of Black Thunder also marks the end of an era for me ... one more step toward empty nesting and Part Two of parenthood. With the boys, I have now moved from being a full-time manager to a mere consultant rarely consulted. Just as it should be, I suppose.
Farewell, Black Thunder. It's been great!
Black Thunder

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