Thursday, January 20, 2011

Betty's Birds

Happy New Year!
(No resolutions about keeping this blog going ... I will try to do better. For Willie.)

I know I've commented on earlier blogs about my growing fascination with birds. Lots of beautiful birds are enjoying Grandma Betty's bird feeders that grace our backyard now that she and Grandpa Fred have moved into Greenspring Village. Although this activity makes me feel old, it is quite entertaining watching the birds vie for position on the feeders and scatter frantically when the fat acrobatic squirrels jump from the porch onto the feeders to steal their seed.

I (pathetically, maybe) have been keeping my camera and telephoto lens handy lately to get some fun shots of the birds and the squirrels.

I was told that little cone would keep the squirrels out of the feeder ... this guy was undaunted by the cone and the ice on it. He's so fat he can barely make it to and through the fence when we send Kilmer out to chase him, but luckily for him, Kilmer is too stupid to find him in time.

Thank you, Betty, for sharing your love of birds and giving us your bird feeders. I am enjoying them immensely.

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