Each year we have lived here we have seen more wild animals moving into the neighborhood. Over the last week, we have seen several foxes, deer, bullfrogs, turtles, a blue heron and for the first time in almost 21 years, raccoons.
Kilmer found the two baby raccoons first ... they were just outside the fence and he immediately made it clear that he did not want either of them to stop in for a visit. One of them ran along the outside of the fence to safety, the other decided to fight the big black mutt on the other side of the fence. Big mistake. Kilmer picked it up in his mouth and shook it a bit, then tossed it a few feet before he finally heeded our frantic yelled and stopped. The baby raccoon ran back through the fence, then climbed the outside of the fence and sat on the top of the highest picket where the two fences met. His sibling came back along the outside of the fence and climbed up to join it.

We were worried that the little one tossed by the dog was injured, but we read on the internet to just leave baby coons alone and the mother would come back to get them after dark. So we did just that and this morning they were both gone. Way to go Momma Coon!
Ironically, on Saturday, my parents came down to visit for the day and brought Kilmer a cute little yellow stuffed chick that squeaked. After 5 minutes of adorable play with the toy, Kilmer proceeded to rip it apart with a vengeance, pulling out the insides and shaking it from side to side until all the fluff and both little squeakers were flying all over the porch.
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