I could spend an entire day taking pictures of little kids. It just makes me happy. Here are a few classics from my week with preschoolers at Sonrise 2010, our church's day camp. There were almost 300 kids there, ranging from 3-10 years old plus over 100 volunteers. Kayti took tons of video and is preparing a movie for church on Sunday. Willie led a small group of 19 5th grade boys and I led a group of 11 preschoolers. Luckily, we had high school helpers who deserve medals for giving countless piggyback rides!

This is Campbell ... she is just over 3 years old.

Kayti and I both have a crush on Luke and his blue eyes, blonde curls and dimples. Sweetie, whose real name is Elaine-Rebecca, may only be four, but she can read and write like a 10 year old.

Sophia only came on Monday and Tuesday, but kept us laughing both days. The kids had to race out into a field covered in plastic cups, find the green ones (our team color), fill them with water and bring them to their leaders. Sophia filled a cup from a bucket far away from our team and proceeded to walk very very very slowly back, careful to not spill a drop despite the kids flying past her the entire time. It took her 5 minutes to come back with one cup!

Kayti also adores Matthew, who is holding up a picture he drew of his mom and dad. (Amoeba parents!)

Nathan had a hugh temper tantrum this morning, sobbing and crying in Spanish ... I had to finally get help from Edwin because high school Spanish would not help me console him. By snack time he was much better!

These four sweet kids barely spoke English. Christyan, Samuel, Valeska and Enrique. They were cold from getting all wet during game time outside. Thanks to them, my Spanish has improved somewhat ... I can say "Come Here," "No more," and "if you don't want to get wet, stay with me" (well, kinda ... si no gusta aqua, staya aqui con mi). It worked!

And here's Robbie with some of my group ... L-R front row ... Samuel, Luke, Christyan, Sweetie, Robbie and Nathan. Behind them is Jackie holding Campbell, Kristin holding Matthew and Amber holding Valeska. Behind them, pouting and refusing to be in the picture is Carter. He only participated if we were dancing.
Time for a nap.