I've been busy. And tired. And lazy.
But, it is time to get this blog up and running again.
I've missed it.
And so, I shall begin anew.
And I shall start with my sign!
Never had a sign before.
With this new sign comes a new marketing campaign to introduce Bookman Graphics and YMLY Cards & Gifts to the folks living here in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, our new home.
Like the Whos in Whoville, I need to shout out "I am here, I am here, I am here!"
I am not very good at this whole marketing myself thing.
It is a leap of faith that will help me get new customers.
And make new friends.
And, with hope, spread the love of the Lord through my work.
I have created an ad for the local Lititz Express newspaper.
I have completed my page for the Wedding Wire website.
I am preparing packets to give to local churches for brides.
I will pay to have Bookman Graphics listed with other wedding vendors in the Lancaster newspaper.
I will sign-up for a table at the January Wedding Show at the Lancaster Convention Center.
And, I suppose it is about time for me to finish the website I have been working on for several years now.
It's a while new world for me.
And, while I have no idea what the Lord has in store for me, or Bookman Graphics, I trust Him.
And so, here goes ....